
Control when, where, and how often you receive notifications regarding the activity in your Secoda workspace.

Manage notifications in Secoda

Viewers, editors, and admins can change their personal notification settings by going to Settings -> Notifications. Click on the workspace name in the top left of the UI, select "Settings", and "Notifications".

You can change how often you receive these notifications, where you'll receive the notifications and which kinds of notifications you'll receive.

In-App Notifications

In-app notifications will go to your Inbox. Read more about that feature here Inbox.

Email Notifications

Email notifications are sent to the email that is associated with your Secoda account.

Slack Notifications

Read up on how to configure your notifications to be sent to Slack here #slack-notifications.

Schema change notifications

One of the more important notification types that you might consider configuring are notifications for schema changes. These will alert data owners & subscribers when columns are added to or removed from the schema. For new columns, this will alert you that they are ready to be documented within Secoda.

Set these up in Settings by going to Notifications > Extractions > Table schema changed.

Subscribe to resource changes

Each resource has a list of subscribers which can be found on the bottom right side of a resource. As an admin, you can subscribe team members to get notifications for updates on a resource. An update can include changes to any of the metadata such as the description, documentation, ownership, collections, and tags. A viewer can subscribe themselves to a resource but cannot modify the subscription list of any other users.

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Last updated