Publish and Draft Statuses

Secoda is built with functionality that allows you to "publish" your workplace once you feel it is ready for viewers to see.

About Publishing

Under the "Status" metadata, each resource will be marked either Published or Draft.

As an Admin, you have the ability to have everything that's created or brought into Secoda be auto-Published or auto-Draft, by default. If you choose to auto-publish, all editors, viewers and guests will be able to view all new resources (in the Teams that they have joined).

However, editors and admins have the ability to push resources into the Draft stage which will hide these from viewers and guests in the workspace. This functionality is built into Secoda to ensure that only the resources that are relevant and documented are available for consumption.

Publishing settings

Toggle on auto-publish

This setting is configurable by Admins under "Publishing" in the Settings. If you'd prefer all new resources be labeled "Draft" until you're ready to publish to all users, you can toggle auto-publish off.

Publish all

You can also publish all resources in your workspace with one click by using the Publish all resources button. This will publish any resources (including dictionary terms and documents) that have the Draft status in the workspace.

Steps to edit Publishing Status

  1. Toggle on auto-publish

  2. Create new resources (Documents, Dictionary terms, Metrics etc) or bring in resources through connecting an integration

  3. Note that all resources are labeled "Published"

  4. If you'd like something to be hidden from viewers, simply double click on the metadata, uncheck it and see how it labels it "Draft"

    1. You might want to put a resource into Draft if it is not ready for consumption, for example if the description and metadata are still in the process of being built out

  1. If you'd like to bulk edit the status to Draft, you can use the drag and drop feature like so:

  1. Once you're ready to publish the resource, double click the metadata and check off Published OR see the steps below to publish your entire workspace with one click

Audit log

Admins can access the workspace audit log through Secoda Settings. This log tracks all historical changes from the users in your workspace, whereas the Activity Log shows only changes to the specific resource that you're looking at.

Last updated