Github Application (on-premise)
To configure a Github App for use within Secoda,
Access Account Settings:
Click your profile photo in the upper-right corner of any GitHub page.
For a personal account:
Click Settings.
For an organization account:
Click Your organizations.
Next to the organization, click Settings.
Navigate to Developer Settings:
In the left sidebar, click Developer settings.
Then, click GitHub Apps.
Create a New GitHub App:
Click New GitHub App.
Configure the App:
Name: Enter a clear and concise name for your app (up to 34 characters). This name must be unique across GitHub.
Set Permissions and Subscribe to Events:
Under Permissions, select the following permissions:
Pull requests: Read and write
Profile: Read and write
Contents: Read and write
Metadata: Read only
Under Subscribe to events, select the webhook events your app should receive:
Pull request
Define Installation Scope:
Under Where can this GitHub App be installed?, choose Only on this account or Any account.
Create the App:
Click Create GitHub App to finalize the registration.
Generate a client secret and private key.
Last updated
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