Custom Integrations and Marketplace

Unlock the full potential of Secoda by creating custom integrations tailored to your unique data environment.

Custom integrations bridge the gaps in your data ecosystem. There are several ways to build a custom integration in Secoda - Secoda APIs, CSV and JSONL Upload, and the Secoda Development Kit. All three options provide users with flexible, and effective ways to bring the whole data stack into Secoda.

Secoda APIs

Create a new integration, and push resources using the Secoda API. This option is the most labour intensive and technical, but allows users to be very detailed in how they create their integration and how it's built into their pipelines.


CSV or JSONL Upload

Great for less technical users, and for resources that don't require frequent extractions, this option allows users to create a CSV or JSONL file and upload it directly in Secoda.

CSV and JSONL Custom Integration

Secoda Development Kit

Build an integration from scratch using the Secoda Development Kit. Users can upload their code to Secoda to have the integration run on a schedule automatically. Folks who build a custom integration using the Secoda SDK are encouraged to consider publishing the integration to the Secoda marketplace!

Secoda SDK Custom Integration

Not sure which option is the best for your team? Feel free to get in touch with the Secoda support team!

Last updated