Custom Tags

You can create as many custom tags in Secoda as you'd like, and tags are a great way to categorize your assets.

How to Create Custom Tags

  1. Navigate to Workspace settings by clicking the Settings tab in the sidebar

  2. Under Workspace settings, select Tags

  3. Click the Create tag button to create a new tag

  4. Enter Name, Tag Description (optional), and choose a colour to represent the tag

Group Tags

If your organization is heavy users of Tags and you'd like to categorize them even further, you can create Groups for your Tags. Simply click "Create group" and add the relevant Tags to it. To add an existing Tag to the Group, use the three dot menu on the Tag and select "-> Move tag to group".

Deleting Tags

You can delete a Custom Tag by selecting the three dots and clicking Delete on the same Settings page. Since this action can't be undone within the UI, you will receive a warning before you confirm that you'd like to delete the tag.

Use cases

Tags are mainly used for categorization purposes, opposed to Collections which are like folders. Many customers use custom tags to differentiate between types of data. Some common examples:

  • "Production" vs. "Test"

  • Importance levels - Indicates the most to least business-critical dashboards for the business, for example

    • Level 1

    • Level 2

    • Level 3

  • Business-Related

    • "SOPs" - Standard operating procedures

    • "Critical Data" - Business critical data elements

    • "Key Account" - High-priority important accounts

  • Certificates (to be more specific with the Verified Identifier tag)

    • "Verified" - The resource and its metadata is accepted and approved by the business and ready to be used

    • "In review" - The owner or stakeholders are reviewing the resource

    • "Draft" - Resource is pending, work in progress, may have some issues

    • "Deprecated" - Should not be used, is outdated or stale

  • Security classifications (to be more specific with the PII Identifier tag)

    • Confidential

    • Restricted

    • Public

Last updated