
An overview of the Salesforce integration with Secoda

Salesforce Metadata Extracted

Getting Started with Salesforce

There are 4 steps to get started using Salesforce with Secoda:

  1. Pick a method to connect to Salesforce, there are 2 options:

    1. Use your Salesforce account's username and password (tab Password)

    2. Use Salesforce OAuth (tab OAuth)

  2. Setup User Permissions, Connected App, and retrieve Consumer Key and Consumer Secret

  3. Retrieve your host

  4. Connect Salesforce to Secoda

Setup User Permissions, Connected App, and retrieve Consumer Key and Consumer Secret

Make sure the profile associated with your user has API Enabled permission. You can verify this:

  1. Go to Setup > Administration > Users > Users and click your user's profile

  1. Make sure API Enabled is ticked

If you haven't already, create a new Salesforce Connected App:

  1. Go to Setup > Platform Tools > Apps > App Manager and click New Connected App

  1. Follow the instruction below to complete the form to create new Connected App (or modify your existing one)

    • There are no specific requirements for what you name the app

  2. If you're using Username & Password flow (tab Password):

    • Tick Enable OAuth Settings

    • For Oauth Scopes, we need at least Manage user data via APIs (api)

    • For Callback URL, you can use http://localhost

  1. If you're using Salesforce OAuth flow (tab OAuth):

    • For Callback URL, enter (or https://<your-app>

    • For Oauth Scopes, we need at least Manage user data via APIs (api)and Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)

    • Tick Enable OAuth Settings and Enable Authorization and Credentials Flow

  1. In the next step, Go to API (Enable OAuth Settings) > Manage Consumer Details to retrieve your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.

    1. Add Secoda's IP to Trusted IP Range for OAuth Web Server Flow. If not, see step 6.2 below to relax IP restriction.

      • You can find the start and end IP addresses for your region here

  1. Go to Setup > Platform Tools > Apps > Connected Apps > Manage Connected Apps and click Edit next to your App.

    1. If you're using Salesforce OAuth flow (OAuth tab), set Refresh Token Policy to Refresh Token is valid until revoked

    2. If you want to relax IP restrictions. Select Relax IP restrictions for IP Relaxation.

Retrieve your host

Your host is the url for your Salesforce instance. For example:

Connect Salesforce to Secoda

After retrieving your Salesforce host, Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, the next step is to connect to Secoda:

  1. In the Secoda App, select "Add Integration" on the Integrations tab

  2. Search for and select "Salesforce", and select the either "Password" or "Oauth" tab

  3. Enter your Salesforce host, Consumer Key, and Consumer Secret

  4. If you selected "Password" tab, enter your Salesforce account's username and password

  5. Click 'Connect'

Last updated