AI Assistant

This page will go over the AI Assistant functionality.

Explore plans which include our AI Assistant here.


Secoda's AI Assistant can be thought of as ChatGPT for your data stack. Using a chat interface, it lets anyone at your company get an answer to a data question, regardless of technical ability.

Secoda's AI Assistant is powered by OpenAI's APIs, which sit atop the GPT4 Large Language Model. We are updated to the latest version of GPT -- GPT4 Turbo.

By sharing only the metadata in your workspace with OpenAI, Secoda's AI Assistant can help you with documentation, query building, locating institutional knowledge, and more!

Set Up

By default, the AI Assistant is off. To toggle it on, you must go into your Workspace General Settings, and scroll down to find the AI section.

Once the AI Search is enabled, you'll see the AI Assistant in the left hand menu.

How to use the AI Assistant

Within the UI

The AI Assistant tool is a powerful to to help users find information by using plain-language, and getting answers in a chat-like interface. It also can help you document your resources across your workspace.

Chatting with AI

  • To start a chat with Secoda's Assistant, simply click into the AI Assistant window and ask away!

  • Check out some Prompts to help you get started in understanding the power of this feature, as well as Best Practices when working with it.

Letting AI Document for you

  • Use the AI to generate descriptions for your metadata with just one click. Read more here:AI Description Editor.

Within your workflows

The AI Assistant can also be used outside of Secoda, in your other tools.

  • Connect Secoda and the AI Assistant to your Slack workspace, to improve the data-related questions workflow Secoda AI Slackbot

Future Improvements

We are very excited about the Secoda AI Assistant, and are regularly making improvements to it. Improvements to look out for are:

  • Quicker and more reliable performance

  • Better understanding of prompts

  • Role and access based answers

  • And more!

Explore plans which include our AI Assistant here

Secoda AI Assistant is only available for Version 7.0.0 and up. If you are running Secoda On Premise or using a managed Instance, this functionality may not be available for you yet. Stay tuned!

Last updated