Import your Resources

Before being able to import your resources, you'll need to generate them in the correct format. See below for some tips and tricks on how to do this!

Create your CSVCreate your JSONL File

You can upload these resources into Secoda through the UI, or through an API request.

Upload through the UI

Navigate to the Integrations page, click on Custom Integration, and you'll see the ability to select and upload the relevant files.

Upload through the API

Alternatively, you can upload the file to Secoda by making a request to the following endpoints.

For the CSV, you can send the file to:<integration-id>/import_metadata/

For the JSONL, you can send the file(s) to:<integration-id>/import_jsonl_metadata This endpoint will accept both a resources.jsonl and lineage.jsonl file.

Now if you open Secoda and navigate to the integration page, you should see an extraction running for your custom integration.

Last updated