Get Started

The Secoda API is based around REST principals. You will need a Bearer token to use the API - see the authentication page for instructions on how to create your token.

Base URL

See below for the Base URL for your workspace.

If your workspace is associated with a unique URL, then the Base URL for the API is formed by appending api/v1/ to the end of your workspace's URL.


The API response includes several key components relevant to pagination:

  • links: Contains URLs for the next and previous pages.

  • meta: Provides metadata including the current page, previous page, and next page numbers.

  • count: The total number of items in the dataset.

  • total_pages: The total number of pages available.

  • results: An array of objects, each representing a data item.

Initial Request

To start retrieving data, make a request to the API endpoint. If no page is specified, the first page of results is returned by default.

Navigating Pages

  • Next Page: To move to the next page, use the URL provided in the field. If this field is null, it indicates you are on the last page.

  • Previous Page: To return to the previous page, use the URL in the links.previous field. A value of None indicates you are on the first page.

  • Specific Page: To request a specific page, modify the request URL to include the desired page number as a query parameter (e.g., ?page=3).

Handling Pagination in Client Code

  1. Check Pagination Links: Always check the field to determine if additional pages are available.

  2. Loop Through Pages: If automating data retrieval, loop through pages by making subsequent requests using the URL in until it is null.

  3. Access Page Metadata: Utilize the meta field to present navigation controls or information about the current page status in your application UI.

Example Code Snippet

Here's a simplified example in Python using the requests library to navigate through pages:

pythonCopy codeimport requests

def fetch_all_pages(start_url):
    next_url = start_url
    while next_url:
        response = requests.get(next_url)
        data = response.json()
        process_data(data['results'])  # Implement this function as needed
        next_url = data['links']['next']  # Will be None if on the last page

def process_data(results):
    for item in results:
        print(item)  # Placeholder for data processing logic

# Initial call to fetch data

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