Interacting with the AI Assistant

This page will review the best ways to use the AI Assistant to get the most effective results.

When interacting with the Secoda AI Assistant, here are some ways to make the most of the feature.

Reference specific resources

There are many times where you'd use the AI Assistant as a discovery tool to find a column or dashboard based on a set of criteria. In other cases, you might know the exact resource name that you'd like more information on. When you do know, it's best to reference the specific resource in your prompt so that the AI Assistant knows exactly which resource you're referring to.

To do so, use the @ symbol in your question, followed by the resource name. This will alert to the AI Assistant to use only that resource when delivering an answer.


  • Can you tell me more about how the @Sales Dashboard was created, and which resources it uses?

  • How would I join the @orders and @payments tables in a query?

  • What downstream resources would be affected if I deprecated the @customers table?

Start new chats

Start new chats every 3-4 questions to ensure that the AI is able to keep up with the data provided. New chats can be started through the right side panel, like so.

Make questions succinct

Focus on succinct questions. Obscure prompts about the metadata, or long winded questions do not provide great results. It's best to be clear and articulate.

Avoid asking about the results of the data

Questions about the actual content of the data, that isn't referenced in the metadata or documentation, will not provide the most useful results. This is because the data itself is not being sent to OpenAI. Instead, try asking it to write a query for the data you're hoping to learn about.

Unsure where to start?

Check out our list of Prompts that you can ask the tool.

Don't just take our word for it! Ask the tool itself 😉

Last updated